Career Catalyst Internship

The City of Doraville is excited about our Career Catalyst Internship Program!  The deadline for applications has passed. Our teams are currently reviewing applications and announcements will be made soon on who has been selected for the inaugural class of Catalyst Interns! 

If you missed the deadline and are considering future internship opportunities with the City of Doraville, you can learn about the work of our different departments below: 

City Clerk
The official record keeper of the City. They work directly with the City Council, keep our Codes and Ordinances up to date, and more.

Code Enforcement 
Code Enforcement ensures all of our businesses and residents are abiding by the CIty's rules and regulations. They work with our community to help our community members understand the rules they're meant to follow and when necessary will write citations to those who do not follow the laws.

Everything from our social media, to our newsletter, to our media relations, to this very website is managed by our Communications Coordinator. They make sure our community is aware of what projects the City is working on as well as share updates from entities like DeKalb County or the State.

Community Development
Community Development guides the planning, development, and construction in our city. They oversee everything from new apartment buildings, businesses, neighborhoods, roads, and more.

Our Library is an exciting place for programming and engaging with the community. They run English as a second language classes, story time for kids, to financial literacy for all ages.

Municipal Court
The Doraville Court is responsible for processing court cases within the City of Doraville. From traffic citations to code enforcement, it all comes before the Municipal Court. This team works with our judges and solicitors to prepare dockets and facilitate court proceedings. They do community outreach like their Amnesty Program to help alleviate financial burdens and provide education.

Public Works
Our Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining our city and keeping it not only looking nice but functioning well too. They oversee our landscaping, our road repairs, our building care, our stormwater system, and so much more. 

Police Department
The Doraville Police Department's job is to protect and serve. But that means more than just putting away criminals. They also engage with our community to provide education, support, and resources. 

Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs
The Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs Department is a vibrant department that gives us things like our Summer Camp, Summer Movie Series, and recreation leagues. They are also responsible for developing our parks and overseeing our park projects like our new mini-pitches, upgrading our tennis courts, and creating our new dog park!