Community Improvement Districts

ChambleeDoravilleCID-Map8-d-1024x977Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) are public-private partnerships between local governments and community stakeholders. The purpose of CIDs is to fund improvements using a revenue fund paid into voluntarily by commercial property owners within the district. CIDs can be leveraged to provide important services and facilities that assist in the area's economic development, such as street improvements.

Chamblee Doraville Community Improvement District (CDCID)

The Chamblee Doraville CID is a public-private partnership among local commercial property owners, the cities of Chamblee and Doraville, and DeKalb County. The CID advances capital projects and community services critical to the health and vitality of the business community.

Formed in May 2019, the CID is a legally defined district by which the commercial property owners pay additional assessments. These pooled resources are then used to leverage local, state, and federal funding sources. The money is used to design and construct critical infrastructure, as well as plan for future needs that benefit the entire community.

CIDs are proven to protect and enhance commercial property investments while keeping up with the needs of growing markets. In Chamblee Doraville, the CID will unite the commercial property owners, represent their ongoing interests, pursue a range of projects, and seek partnerships that drive long-term success.

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Commercial property owners have agreed to form a CID to serve as a tool to facilitate infrastructure improvements connected to the redevelopment of the former Doraville General Motors assembly plant and the surrounding area. Click the link above to visit the webpage. The calendar of meetings is available here.